Appropriate Cooking Practice & Food Habits
Bangladesh is a country of immense untapped potentials. Health and nutrition is one of such sectors where huge potentials still remaining unutilized. Besides farming, nutritious vegetable and fruits grow in plenty unnoticed of all here and there around homesteads.
People do not eat such vegetables and fruits due mainly to superstition and lack of habit. Lack of knowledge about the worth of such foods is also one of the reasons for this situation. Similarly, they deprive themselves from much of the costly and hard earned nutrients due to their inappropriate cooking habits and related practices such as
- washing after cutting,
- too much boiling/frying,
- keeping foods uncovered,
- too much/unnecessary washing,
- wasting valuable part of fruits and vegetables by cutting thick and so on.
Poverty, associated with a lack of adequate access to food, is one of the vital factors of malnutrition among children and women in Bangladesh.
By Appropriate Cooking Practice, we will discuss the best practices and create public awareness on how to keep food nutritional value through various events, blog posts and online training.